
Council Briefs, May 16, 2023
Posted on Friday, May 19, 2023 09:25 AM
Council Briefs, May 16, 2023 Operations Committee Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (DMAF) - Moffat Street Slope Stability
Committee directed staff to submit an application to the federal government under the Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund, for outfalls and inland flooding. The Mayor will again contact the Provincial Government requesting funds to contribute to aid the Moffat Street Slope Stability issues. If a positive response from the Province, a second application will be...

Sparrow Homesharing
Posted on Tuesday, May 16, 2023 10:27 AM
Sparrow - Discover the value of homesharing How Sparrow Works 1. Join the Community
Create your free account and member profile. Tell us about your home, the space for rent, and your housemate preferences.
2. Meet Your MatchesConnect with a pool of verified, like-minded candidates. Choose the right fit.
3. Make it OfficialRequest background and credit checks. Customize and sign your homeshare agreement.
4. Live Better TogetherWelcome your housemate and start homesharing. Our concierge team is...

Council Briefs, May 2, 2023
Posted on Friday, May 05, 2023 10:29 AM
Council Briefs, May 2, 2023 Finance & Administration Committee PFD Monthly Report- April 2023
Committee received the March 29, 2023 - April 25, 2023 Pembroke Fire Department Report that outlined the Departments Prevention & Public Education Activities, Employee Recognition, Staff Promotions, Vulnerable Occupancy Inspections and Drills, Emergency Management, EOC/Training Room events, Pembroke Professional Firefighters Association events and Career Firefighter Training for the Month of April, 2023....

City Building Permits: Let’s Build Safely Together
Posted on Tuesday, April 04, 2023 04:37 PM
If you are planning on home improvements such as building a new deck, shed, or refinishing a basement, you might need a building permit.
Most renovation, construction or demolition projects require a building permit before you start construction. A building permit is a document issued by Ontario municipalities, like the City of Pembroke, and it is necessary for projects that involve constructing, changing, or adding to a building’s structure.
It is illegal to start construction without a building...