Property taxes are billed by the City twice per year: the interim bill and the final bill. There are two instalments due for each billing. All payments must be received by the due date to avoid late payment charges. Penalties of 1% will be added to unpaid taxes on the first day of the month following the due date, and the first day of each month thereafter. The tax collector has no authority to waive penalties/interest charges for any reason.
Register below to receive your bills by email.
2025 Tax Bill Due Dates
Interim bill: mailed out in March each year |
Interim property tax bills are sent out in March. Each bill has two instalments that are due.
Final bill: mailed out in August each year |
Final property tax bills are sent out in August. Each bill has two installments that are due.
How to Pay
- Online Payments: banking information for online water/sewer and property tax payments
- At your local bank
- Monthly pre-authorized payment plan: pre-authorized payment plan agreement
- In person payments can be made at City Hall
- We accept cash, cheque or debit payments; credit cards are not accepted
- Drop off a cheque using the mail slot/drop box
- Please include your tax bill stub and do not put cash in the mail slot/drop box
For more detailed information, please visit the Payment Options section of our website.
Property Tax Calculator
To learn more about the breakdown of where your taxes go based on your property tax class and your assessment value, use our Property Tax Calculator.
Change of Address
Please provide any mailing address changes or corrections in writing along with your payment. If the property has changed ownership, please return the tax bill to the City.
Understanding your property tax bill
A: Property identification |
This contains identification information such as municipal tax roll number, mailing address, and a legal description of your property. |
B: Tax class |
This section lists the classification of your property (i.e., residential, farm, commercial) and educational support. If you have questions about education support, call the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation at 1-866-296-6722. You can also visit their website at |
C: Value |
This shows the current assessed value of your property, as determined by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation. For more information on how properties are assessed, please visit |
D: Municipal and area rate levies |
This section provides a detailed breakdown of your property taxes as set by City Council. To determine the amount of tax you pay for each service, multiply the tax rate for that service by the assessed value for your property. |
E: Education tax |
The education tax is set by the provincial government. To determine the amount of education tax that you pay, multiply the education tax rate by the assessed value of your property. |
F: Special charges and credits |
This section lists charges that are specific to your property. Special charges cover a range of services including garbage and waste charges and other local improvements. |
G: Summary |
This section lists the subtotals of your tax levy (municipal and education), tax cap (no longer applicable), and any credits or special charges. |
H: Payment stubs |
Property taxes are billed twice per year, the interim bill and the final bill. Each bill has two installments, which is why there are two stubs at the bottom of each bill. Each stub has a due date with the amount due. You need to submit payment stubs along with your payment when you pay by mail, in person, or at a financial institution. If you pay through a pre-authorized plan, you do not need to submit either of the stubs. |
2024 Tax Rates
Tax code | Municipal | Education | Total |
Residential (RT) |
0.01676620 |
0.0015300 |
0.01829620 |
Multi-Residential (MT) |
0.03252301 |
0.0015300 |
0.03405301 |
Multi-Residential New Construction (NT) |
0.01844282 |
0.0015300 |
0.01997282 |
Commercial (CT CU CX ST SU DT XT XU) |
0.03319708 |
0.0088000 |
0.04199708 |
Industrial (IT IU IX JT JU LT) |
0.04409511 |
0.0088000 |
0.05289511 |
Pipelines (PT) |
0.02753070 |
0.0088000 |
0.03633070 |
Farmlands (FT) |
0.00419155 |
0.0003825 |
0.00457405 |
Pembroke Business Improvement Area (PBIA) |
How to Change Your Current School Support
Parents or ratepayers can request a change of their current school support. You would be required to go to the school board you would like to support to complete a form.
The school boards in the area are:
- Renfrew County District School Board (RCDSB), 613-735-0151
- Renfrew County Catholic District School Board (RCCDSB), 613-735-1031
- Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre Est (CECCE), 613-744-2555
- Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario (CEPEO), 613-742-8960
Tax certificate requests |
Note: Please call before ordering as NOT all properties are billed taxes by the City of Pembroke.
The fee is $50 and must be paid by cheque. Please note: Effective May 1, 2025, this price will increase to $60
You can email your request to or send by mail to: City of Pembroke 1 Pembroke St. E Pembroke, ON K8A 3J5