The City of Pembroke is responsible for issuing a variety of licences, permits, and applications for services. The application process may vary by licence, permit, or service. Application and administrative fees may also apply. Explore the list below for information related to these specific licences, permits, and services.
Building Department Forms and Permits |
A variety of applications, permits, or forms may be necessary based on your building project. To learn more about what is necessary for your project, visit our Building Permits page. |
Building Permits |
A building permit is your formal permission to begin construction, demolition, addition or renovation work on your property. Building permits regulate the type of construction allowed in a community and ensure that minimum building standards are met. The permit process protects the owner’s interests, the community, and it helps to ensure that any new construction is appropriate and safe. Please see our Building Permits page for more detailed information about this process. |
Burning Permits |
A by-law is in place to regulate recreational open-air burning in the City of Pembroke. For more information, please see our Burning Permits page. |
Fireworks Permits |
A by-law is in place to regulate the setting off of fireworks within the City of Pembroke. A permit is required for both display and consumer discharge of fireworks. For more information, please see our Fireworks Permits page. |
Lottery Licences |
A municipal lottery licence can be issued to eligible charitable or religious organizations that wish to conduct a lottery in the City of Pembroke. The policies set out by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario must be followed. See our Lottery Licences page for a more in depth look at the application process. |
Marriage Licences |
Congratulations on your engagement! One of your next important steps is applying for a marriage licence. A marriage licence is required in order to be legally married in Ontario. Marriage licences are valid 90 days from the date of issue and can be used to marry anywhere in Ontario. See our Marriage Licences page for more specific instructions on how to complete your application. |
Pet Licences |
The City of Pembroke requires that all dogs and cats over the age of three months be licensed on or before March 15 of each year. By keeping your pet's licence current, you increase their chances of being reunited with you if they ever become lost. Our Pet Licences page has all of the information you need to get your registration started. |
Planning and Land Use |
Land use planning affects almost every aspect of life. It helps determine where in our community homes and industries should be built, where parks and schools should be located, and where roads, sewers and other essential services should be provided. Land use planning means managing our land and resources. It balances the interests of the individual property owners with the wider interests and objectives of the whole community. Good planning leads to orderly growth and the efficient provision of services. It affects all of us and helps us to have the kind of community we want. Visit our Planning and Land Use page for more information. |
Tree Planting Incentive Program Application |
Eligible property owners may receive up to 50% of their purchase of any trees, with a maximum of two trees per property owner, and up to a maximum rebate of $150. To qualify for a rebate, pick up an application form from the Operations Department at 460 River Road or download the form. For more information on the Private Property Tree Planting Incentive Program, visit our news item on the program or contact the Civil Technician. |