We are currently working on making our reports fully accessible for our website. If you would like a copy of a plan that is not currently posted, please contact us.
Economic Development, Culture and Tourism
Business Retention and Expansion Report |
From March-December 2017, the City of Pembroke conducted business retention and expansion (BR+E) surveys to better understand the concerns and opportunities for our businesses. The survey focused on manufacturers and employers with more than 15 employees. An updated BR+E report is being finalized in 2025. |
Competitive Advantages Study |
This Competitive Advantages Study, completed by MDB Insights in January 2018, highlights the advantages of doing business in Pembroke for various sectors. |
For more information on doing business in Pembroke, visit our Choose Pembroke site.
Annual report |
The Fire Department's annual report details and compiles the department's activities over the year. |
Annual Water Treatment Plant and Pollution Control Centre compliance reports |
The City of Pembroke is regularly inspected for compliance to regulatory requirements and best practices and reports relevant data annually. For annual Water Treatment Plant and Pollution Control Centre compliance reports, contact the Utilities Secretary. |
Asset Management Plan |
The City of Pembroke's Asset Management Plan's asset classes considered are underground infrastructure (water, sanitary, and storm), roads (including granulars and sidewalks), and bridges. In 2014, facility-specific asset management plans were developed for water and wastewater treatment plants, sanitary liftstations, recreational facilities, and other City buildings. |
Asset Management Policy |
The Asset Management Policy provides the framework to assist staff in preparing an asset management plan and integrating all other plans, policies and pertinent legislation with it. It requires council to think beyond the current term and consider the effects of climate change and the needs of the municipality now and into the future. The policy also defines the role of staff, council, and the public in the capital infrastructure planning process. |
Drinking Water Quality Management System (DWQMS) |
The DWQMS is part of the City's efforts to ensure that clean, safe drinking water is supplied to all residents. It was developed in alignment with the requirements of the Ministry of Environment's Drinking Water Quality Management Standard. For DWQMS reports, contact the Utilities Secretary. |
Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan |
The Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan fulfills the reporting requirements of the Green Energy Act, providing the municipality with a framework to support continued energy and sustainability initiatives with the built environment as well as operations and programs. The plan further identifies opportunities for continued energy conservation measures and sustainability initiatives to build on existing plans and to further respond to policies identified in the Official Plan. Energy Conservation and Demand Management (CDM) Plan Update, June 2024 |
Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emission Facility Reports |
The Operations Department keeps annual reports on the energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from City of Pembroke facilities and buildings. For energy consumption and GHG emission facility reports, contact the Operations Department. |
Flood Risk Assessment and Storm Outlet Review |
Historically, Pembroke has experienced significant amounts of flooding, as a result of both riverine flooding and storm sewers reaching capacity during large storm events, which have in turn caused damage to storm sewer outlets. In the City of Pembroke Official Plan, the City recognized that riverine flooding stems from high water elevations in the Ottawa river, as well as within the Muskrat River and the Indian River, but that 100-year flood elevations were only defined for the Ottawa River. The City retained Aquafor Beech Limited in 2021 to undertake the City-Wide Flood Risk Assessment and Storm Outlet Review, which is partially funded by the National Disaster Mitigation Program. This study presents opportunities for not only addressing historical flooding issues, but also regulating future development in flood-prone areas and rehabilitating/replacing storm outlets at risk of failure. |
Service Delivery and Modernization Review |
The City of Pembroke required an independent third-party reviewer to conduct a Service Delivery and Modernization Review of the Operations Department consisting of a technical review of the Operations Department and a financial review of the technical suggestions. This report covers the technical review of the Operations Department and outlines suggestions for improvements of the Pollution Control Centre, Roads & Fleet, Water Distribution and Waste Collection, and, the Water Treatment Plant. For the Service Delivery and Modernization Review, contact the Operations Department. |
Water System Financial Plan |
A financial plan requires a forecast of the municipality's financial statements for water services (i.e. statements of financial position, operations, changes in net financial assets/debts, and cashflow). The Safe Drinking Water Act requires that municipalities prepare the plan for a forecast period spanning at least 6 years, and that this plan be submitted to the Ministry of Environment every 5 years. As per these requirements, a municipality’s financial plan must be approved by council and submitted to the Ministry of Environment. For the Water System Financial Plan, contact the Utilities Secretary. |
Planning, Building and By-law
Official Plan |
The Official Plan establishes a pattern that development should follow during the planning period. It sets out guidelines to direct future development in a orderly manner to make sure new developments are compatible with existing ones. An Official Plan amendment might need to be submitted with a zoning by-law amendment. An explanation of the processes and fees associated with official plan and zoning by-law amendments can be found at the beginning of the application form. To obtain a copy of the Official Plan, the Official Plan schedules A, B, C, or D, or an Official Plan amendment application, contact the Planner. |
Asset Management - Major Recreation Buildings Update |
Asset Management Planning - Major Recreation Buildings September 2023 |
Asset Management Plan, Non-Core Assets - July 2024 |
Procurement Policy |
Within the City of Pembroke, Purchasing is responsible for the procurement of a large variety of goods and services at competitive prices and to maintain integrity and fairness in the selection of vendors and contractors. |
Transit |
For updates on Transit plans, visit our Transit page. |
Emergency Response Plan |
The aim of this plan is to provide for the extraordinary arrangements, measures and resources that may have to be taken to protect the health, safety, welfare, environment and economic health of the residents, businesses and visitors of the City of Pembroke when faced with an emergency. |
Joint Community Safety & Well-Being Plan Upper Ottawa Valley |
Joint Community Safety & Well-Being Plan Upper Ottawa Valley |
Social Media Policy |
The City of Pembroke's Social Media Policy serves to: A. Ensure consistency and professionalism with how the City communicates with the public via social media across all channels;
C. Provide City employees, Council members, advisory and ad hoc committee members, and the public with an understanding of the policies and procedures surrounding the acceptable corporate and personal use of social media pages as they relate to discussing the business of the City of Pembroke. To obtain a copy of the Social Media Policy, contact the Tourism and Digital Media Officer. |
Strategic Plan (2023-2027) |
The strategic plan provides City of Pembroke Council and staff a roadmap to provide an affordable, vibrant community which offers a level of services and amenities that supports a sustainable and healthy lifestyle. |
2023 Year-End Reports |
City of Pembroke Committees 2023 year-end reports are presented by the appropriate Chairs of the Committees to summarize the year's projects and activities of each committee. |