By-law Table of Contents
- Accessibility Standards for Customer Service Policy
- Accountability and Transparency Policy
- Animal Control By-law
- Anti-Graffiti By-law
- ATV By-law
- Building By-law
- Business Licensing By-law
- Complaint Policy
- Code of Conduct for Council and Local Board Members
- Council Staff Relations Policy
- Discharge of Firearms By-law
- False Alarm - Fire Department By-law
- False Alarm - Police Services By-law
- Fire Department Regulation By-law
- Fireworks Regulations By-law
- Fouling of Highways (Snow Removal) By-law
- Generators By-law
- Hydrant By-law
- Indemnification Policy
- Integrity Commissioner and Closed Meeting Investigator By-law
- Limousine By-law
- Loitering By-law
- Municipal Accommodation Tax By-law
- Noise By-law
- Notice By-law
- Parking By-law
- Property Standards By-Law
- Procedural By-law
- Recreational Open Air Burning By-law
- Sale and Disposition of City Land Policy
- Sign By-law
- Snowmobile By-law
- Store Opening (Hours) By-law
- Swimming Pool Fences By-law
- Taxi By-law
- Traffic Control By-law
- Trees By-law
- User Fees By-law (including administration, planning and building, operations, recreation, and fire department fees)
- Waste Management By-law
- Waterworks By-law
- Water Restrictions By-law
- Winter Control Operations for the Downtown Core
- Winter Control Operations for Sidewalk Snow Plowing
- Zoning By-Law