The City of Pembroke does not offer a service to deal with or remove nuisance or injured wildlife (racoons, skunks, squirrels, etc.) on private property. For these types of services, please contact a professional pest control company such as the following:
- PRO-TEC 5 Inc., 613-401-5507
- Orkin Canada, 613-777-2411
- Coutts Pest Control, 613-408-2559
- Ottawa Valley Pest Control, 613-623-3625
- Envirocontrol IPM Services Inc., 613-623-7140
- Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control, 613-231-2222
- Ottawa Pest Removal, 613-699-8700.
- Pest Pros Pest Control, 613-298-3030
- Canadian Pest Control Services, 613-390-9500
- Paramount Pest Control, 613-263-4357.
- Pest Control Ottawa, 613-209-1880 or 855-932-3322
- Abell Pest Control, 613-723-8926
- Get ‘Em Out Wildlife Control Inc., 613-852-6423
- Go Pest Control, 613-366-2202
- OWLS Ltd. Ontario Wildlife Solutions Full Service Pest Control, 613-986-7140
Please do not call the police as calling police about non-emergency wildlife issues can take them away from dealing with other important emergencies.
Pembroke’s animal control services will address wildlife complaints within the city if the injured wildlife is located on City-owned property. To report nuisance or injured wildlife on City property, contact animal control services at 613-504-1550.
Managing Urban Wildlife
Wildlife is a natural part of our community. Food and shelter are plentiful while natural predators are limited, therefore wildlife will continue to live near us. If we learn to share the environment and reduce problems by getting rid of food sources and shelter on our properties, animals will make their way to more suitable homes. It is important to remember not to feed or handle wildlife and never transport or relocate wildlife. To learn more visit the following webpages:
- Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry – feeding wildlife: dos and don’ts
- Be Bear Wise and prevent bear encounters
If you encounter a bear in your neighbourhood and are concerned that it poses an immediate threat to your personal safety or exhibits threatening or aggressive behaviours, call the police at 9-1-1. In a non-emergency situation, call the Province’s Bear Wise reporting line at 1-866-514-2327. This line operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, from April 1 to November 30.
Animal Bites and Scratches
All animal bites and scratches involving humans must be reported to the Renfrew County and District Health Unit immediately. More information can be found at the Renfrew County and District Health Unit website or by calling 613-732-3629.