To enhance efficiency and ensure effective service, the Operations Department offices at 460 River Rd. are now open by appointment only. This change helps us better meet your needs by ensuring staff availability while maintaining access to services during regular hours, Monday to Friday, 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
To schedule an appointment for the following services, call 613-735-6821 ext. 1409:
- Purchase of waste collection containers
- New bulk water account setup
- Deposit and pickup of bulk water fobs
- New snow disposal facility account setup
- Deposit and pickup of snow disposal facility keys
- Purchase of water meters
- Scheduling water on/off services
- Scheduling water inspections
- Tender submissions
To meet with Operations staff in the following areas, appointments can also be arranged through reception at 613-735-6821 ext. 1409:
- Water Distribution and Wastewater Collection
- Roads and Fleet
- Capital Works and Engineering
- Traffic Control and Traffic Management
- Waste Management
- Treasury/Procurement
If you need to report a concern, including those related to the Operations Department, visit pembroke.ca/report.
Thank you for your cooperation as we work to provide you with the best possible service.