While reflecting this holiday season, and as 2023 concludes, I wish to take this opportunity to wish all the residents, businesses, and organizations the very best.
The City of Pembroke has accomplished a great deal in 2023 with the most recent accomplishment being the creation of a warming center to assist the most vulnerable in our community. This huge accomplishment is a result of the many partnerships that have been formed with other local governments, organizations, and agencies.
I am encouraged by the recent successes and partnerships we have formed in 2023 and the positive messages that I have received that 2024 will be bring new opportunities to our community.
For those looking for some winter fun over the next few weeks, be sure to stop by the Pembroke Memorial Centre for a variety of free skating opportunities, all of which you’ll be able to find on our social media pages. It is also a great time to enjoy the outdoors in one of our many parks. Information about our facilities and amenities are available on our website.
As always, my door is open should ratepayers wish to meet with me to discuss municipal matters that affect them.
Merry Christmas, everyone.
Mayor Ron Gervais
The City of Pembroke has accomplished a great deal in 2023 with the most recent accomplishment being the creation of a warming center to assist the most vulnerable in our community. This huge accomplishment is a result of the many partnerships that have been formed with other local governments, organizations, and agencies.
I am encouraged by the recent successes and partnerships we have formed in 2023 and the positive messages that I have received that 2024 will be bring new opportunities to our community.
For those looking for some winter fun over the next few weeks, be sure to stop by the Pembroke Memorial Centre for a variety of free skating opportunities, all of which you’ll be able to find on our social media pages. It is also a great time to enjoy the outdoors in one of our many parks. Information about our facilities and amenities are available on our website.
As always, my door is open should ratepayers wish to meet with me to discuss municipal matters that affect them.
Merry Christmas, everyone.
Mayor Ron Gervais