City of Pembroke Ad Hoc Citizens’ Committee of Council Remuneration Review Presentation
The Ad Hoc Citizens’ Committee of Council Remuneration Review was appointed by Council on March 7, 2023, to review Council remuneration including COLA and benefits program, and to provide recommendations to Council for its considerations. The Committee was present to review their findings. |
Kinsmen Pool Project
This item was tabled until further information is received. |
Pembroke Fire Department Monthly Report
Committee received the October 2023 Monthly Pembroke Fire Department Report that outlined the department’s Fire Prevention Week activities, other prevention and public education activities, new equipment received, employee recognition, vulnerable occupancy inspections and drills, emergency management, EOC/Training Room events, Pembroke Professional Firefighters Association support, and career firefighter training for the month of October 2023. This report also included the number of Recreational Open-Air Burning permits purchased and inspections completed, and the number of smoke alarm inspections completed during the month. |
Staffing the Position of Deputy Chief
Committee received a report regarding the Pembroke Fire Department’s position of Deputy Chief which has been vacant since the early 1990s. Filling this position would further provide support to the current administration, bolster the department’s health and safety, and provide an adequate succession plan for the future. Committee directed that this position be further discussed during the 2024 budget deliberations. |
Just in Time Agreement with the Canadian Red Cross Society
Committee recommended Council consider a Just in Time agreement with the Canadian Red Cross Society to be implemented during emergencies in the City of Pembroke. A Just in Time agreement would be prepared ahead of time and would be signed at the onset of an emergency by the Head of Council and delivered to the Red Cross. The agreement allows the municipality to choose a number of assistance options provided by the Red Cross. Costings of the various services and equipment are listed in the agreement. |
2024 OPP Billing
Committee received the 2024 OPP Billing information report. The report indicates the contract will increase by 2.5% with an estimated cost per property at $618.75. This cost will be included in the 2024 budget. |
2024 OMPF Grant Funding
Committee received the 2024 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) Grant Funding report indicating the City will receive a 4% increase from 2023 funding. The OMPF is unrestricted funding the City receives from the province as an equalization grant based on an evaluation of the City’s weighted assessment per household as compared to the provincial median. This grant will be included in the City’s 2024 budget. |
2024 Strategic Partnerships
Since 2018, the City has had Strategic Partnership Agreements with Pembroke Heritage Murals, Upper Ottawa Valley Historical Society, Pembroke 50+ Active Living Centre, Pembroke Horticultural Society and Centre Lajoie des aîné(e)s francophones de Pembroke. The agreements listed the services/programs to be offered, funding, term, and reporting requirements. These agreements expire as of December 31, 2023. Staff was directed to send letters to the current strategic partners asking if they would be willing to enter into a one (1) year agreement under the same terms, conditions, and 2023 level of funding. Staff was also directed to request Carefor appear as a delegation at a future meeting to present their request and possible future transit partnership opportunities. |
Isabella Street Catchment Area – Request for Proposal P-23-11
Committee approved the award of the Engineering Design and Contract Administration Services for the Isabella Street Catchment Area to Ainley Group as well as additional expenditures for a contingency allowance with the total value of the recommendations equalling $413,644 plus HST. |
Construction Manager at Risk for Filters, Launderers and Under Tile Drains
Committee approved the Operations Department to use a Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) methodology for the procuring the Filters, Launderers and Under Tile Drains replacement project at the Water Purification Plant. A filter rehabilitation and upgrade is required to address the current filtration system reaching the end of its service life and to implement upgrades to bring the system to current industry standards. The use a DMA/CMAR approach is being recommended by the design consultant to allow for a fast-tracked design and construction schedule, allowing for these phases of the project to overlap, and to reduce the risks to the City during construction. |
Petition for Crosswalk at Champlain Discovery Public School
A petition was received on October 16, 2023, requesting the establishment of a pedestrian crosswalk at Bell and Fraser streets to accommodate walking students and accompanying parents attending Champlain Discovery Public School. This item was referred to the Pembroke Police Services Board for comment and input. |