Council Briefs, May 2, 2023
Finance & Administration Committee
PFD Monthly Report- April 2023
Committee received the March 29, 2023 - April 25, 2023 Pembroke Fire Department Report that outlined the Departments Prevention & Public Education Activities, Employee Recognition, Staff Promotions, Vulnerable Occupancy Inspections and Drills, Emergency Management, EOC/Training Room events, Pembroke Professional Firefighters Association events and Career Firefighter Training for the Month of April, 2023. Chief Selle also provided an update regarding the water levels and its impact on areas within the City.
Update of By-law 2022-21 Emergency Management Program & Emergency Plan
Committee recommended that By-law 2022-21 Emergency Management Program and Emergency Plan be updated to reflect the addition of personnel (CAO, Treasurer, and IT staff) to the Emergency Management Program Committee; and that the Treasurer and IT staff be added to the Municipal Emergency Control Group. A by-law will be prepared and presented to Council at its next meeting.
By-law 2020-21 "Recreational Open-Air Burning"
Committee recommended that staff gather information and present a report regarding the Recreational Open-Air Burning By-law for Committee’s consideration at a future meeting.
All-Terrain Vehicle By-law 2017-69 Amendment
Committee recommended that revisions be made to the permitted prescribed route of travel in Schedule ‘A’ of By-law 2017-69 “Regulate and Govern the Operation of All-Terrain, Multi-purpose and Recreation Off-Road vehicles (Off-Road Vehicles)” within the City of Pembroke for a one-year period; and That the Renfrew County ATV Club be urged to continue working on an alternate route; and that a letter be sent to residents in the area; and that a by-law be prepared and presented for Council’s consideration at a future meeting
Townline Lift Station Electrical Service Upgrades Tender Contract No. 22-010
Committee received the information report from staff that the Townline Lift Station Electrical Service Upgrades Contract No. 22-010 was awarded to Frank’s Electric.
Townline Forcemain Twinning Debenture
Committee approved a revision to the City’s debenture process with Infrastructure Ontario to finance the Townline Forcemain Project over a 15-year term on a revised loan requirement of $9,500,000 and that if required, a separate Infrastructure Ontario loan application and process be submitted at a later date for the Moffat Street Storm Sewer site remediation work.
There have been complications in the implementation of both projects. The Townline Forcemain project experienced several issues including a forcemain hit and the requirement to drill through more rock than anticipated significantly increasing the potential final cost of the project. The Moffat Street project has experienced mobilization issues with gaining access to property to complete the work and is currently being re-scoped to a site remediation-only project with an alternate storm sewer project under consideration by the Operations Department in future budget years.
Procurement Policy- Professional Services
Staff was directed to incorporate the suggestions as presented into a new Procurement Policy and that staff prepare a by-law to be presented to Council at a future meeting.
Sections amended include the following:
- The term of contract for Consultant Services or Professional Services may not exceed a period of 5 years without the formal approval of Council.
- The removal of legal fees from the list of policy exemptions.
Transit Update (April 2023)
An information report was presented to Committee indicating that a Request for Information (RFI) 1-23-01, Point-to-Point On-Demand Transit System Pilot Project (Pembroke On Demand) will be issued May 4, 2023 closing June 1, 2023. Following this RFI process, a report will be brought back to Council on possible next steps which could include an application to the FCM Green Municipal Fund to seek funding for a transit pilot project.
Planning & Development Committee
Ottawa Valley Tourist Association
Representatives from the Ottawa Valley Tourist Association (OVTA) were in attendance to make a presentation on the activities and initiatives of the OVTA and to present the 2023 budget for review and approval.
Revisions to Property Standards By-law
Committee recommended that the Property Standards By-law (2021-25) be amended with the following:
- Shorter notification period for issues dealing with refuse/garbage and/or organics. The present by-law requires 14 days from when the Order was issued to clean up. It has been noted that when dealing with refuse/garbage or organics this period is too long especially in the summer months. The new by-law would propose 7 days to comply with the terms and conditions of the Order.
- Adding sump pump to Section 4.5.6 Plumbing, Sewage, Discharge and Drainage of the Property Standards By-law. The present Property Standards By-lay does not deal with sump pump drainage and there have been many calls recently to the By-law Enforcement Department about sump pump water being directed towards the neighbour’s property. The proposed By-law will have a section indicating that no roof drainage, storm water, sump pump or drainage or water from swimming pools, shall be discharged on sidewalks, steps, neighbouring property or into the sanitary sewer system and shall be contained within the limits of the premises from which it originated until absorbed by the soil or drained to an approved swale or ditch.
- Adding missing Section 4.10.2 to the amending by-law regarding the surface of commercial, industrial, and institutional walkways, driveways, and parking spaces so as to afford safe passage. This missed section was noted and is required to ensure that the driveways and walkways are in proper condition so as not to cause a hazard.
Staff were directed to prepare a by-law for Council consideration at its next meeting.
Revisions to Building By-law
Committee recommended that the City’s Building By-law (2018-01) which deals with construction, demolition, change of use permits, inspections, and fees be amended with the addition of the following:
- Ensure drainage and servicing plans for property are submitted and approved prior to the issuance of a Building Permit. By adding drainage and servicing plans to the City’s Building By-law will constitute applicable law and thus staff can ensure that drainage and servicing is considered and reviewed prior to the issuance of a building permit.
- Ensure that Rapid Access Management (RAM) boxes are required for residential buildings with more than 3 storeys, requires a fire alarm system and is not subject to Site Plan Agreement. RAM is a lock box system that provide rapid access to the building by the Fire Department. The Fire Department carries one key which opens all the RAM boxes within the City. The RAM box prevents destructive entry into the building and reduces the wait for the key holder to attend the site.
Staff were directed to prepare a by-law for Council consideration at its next meeting.
Sale and Disposition of Land
A draft Sale and Disposition of Land Policy was presented to Committee. The new Policy ensures that any dispositions of land are conducted in a manner that fosters public trust and supports the following statements:
- The process is fair, open and transparent;
- The City’s current and future interests are protected;
- The City considers the value of its real property assets; and
- Any potential or real risks to the environment, the health and safety of residents, and the financial integrity of the City are minimized.
Committee directed staff to prepare a by-law for Council consideration at its next meeting.
Offer to Purchase a Portion of City-Owned Land at Dead-End of Willard Street - Ron Gervais
As the process for the sale and disposition of City Land has now been established and all conditions have been met, Committee directed staff to prepare a by-law for Council consideration at its next meeting.
On-Street Patio Report
Committee approved the PBIA request to move an on-street patio to Church Street in front of Nomada Tacos subject to City staff being satisfied that the jersey barriers are placed appropriately to ensure maximum protection for the users of the on-street patio on the east side of Church Street.
Committee directed staff to prepare a by-law and amending encroachment agreement for the next Council meeting.
Operations Committee Report
Council approved the award of RFP No. P-23-03 for Design Build Contract for Garage Construction to Thomas Cavanaugh Construction.
Community Living Month Proclamation
Mayor Gervais proclaimed the month of May 2023 as Community Living Month in the City of Pembroke.
Falun Dafa Month
Mayor Gervais proclaimed the month of May 2023 as Falun Dafa Month in the City of Pembroke.
Emergency Preparedness Week
Mayor Gervais proclaimed the week of May 7-13, 2023, as Emergency Preparedness Week in the City of Pembroke.
By-law 2023-34 - User Fee By-law
Council approved By-law 2023-34 a by-law to establish fees and charges on persons for payment of municipal services, activities, and use of municipal property for the City of Pembroke.
By-law 2023-35 - Appoint By-law Enforcement Officers
Council approved By-law 2023-35 that appointed Municipal Enforcement Officers for the City of Pembroke.
Update By-laws Motion
A motion moved by Councillor Purcell that the City’s current Procedural By-law, Procurement By-law and the Sale of Surplus Lands By-law be reviewed and updated to ensure transparency and accountability was approved.