Council Briefs, June 20, 2023
Parks and Recreation Committee
Enhanced Park Signage
The Parks and Recreation Committee approved a sign concept to replace existing signage throughout the City in park and playground facilities.
Facility Allocation Policy
The Parks and Recreation Committee approved a Facility Allocation Policy for the use in the Parks and Recreation Department for the allocation of facility use.
Music for a Cause
The Parks and Recreation Committee approved the serving of alcohol for the 2023 Music for a Cause at the Waterfront Park in keeping with the requirements of the Alcohol & Gaming Commission of Ontario for a Caterer’s Endorsement and confirm that the event does not knowingly contravene any municipal by-laws.
Visitor Information Sign on Paul Martin Drive
The Parks & Recreation Committee approved the removal of the Visitor Information sign on Paul Martin Drive, with the concrete base and wiring to remain in place. Mr. Kenny to pay 50% up to $500 towards the cost of the removal.
Smoking Area and Site Plan for The Grind
The Parks & Recreation Committee directed staff to request that The Grind remove a patio they recently installed. Committee tabled the requests from The Grind for a designated smoking area designated for clients at the front of the building and an area in the rear for workers until the City has approved a smoking/vaping by-law.
National Indigenous Peoples Day
Mayor Gervais proclaimed June 21, 2023, as National Indigenous Peoples Day in the City of Pembroke.
By-law 2023-45 - Asset Naming Policy
Council passed a by-law adopting an Asset Naming Policy for the Corporation of the City of Pembroke. This policy applies to the naming, renaming or dedication of City assets (streets, buildings, recreational trails or pathways, and parks and park features) including the consideration of commemorative naming proposals and dedications.
By-law 2023-47 - Encroachment Agree for PBIA Art in the Park
Council passed the by-law authorizing the entering into of an encroachment agreement between the Pembroke Business Improvement Area (PBIA) and the Corporation of the City of Pembroke to create a community art project in Coronation Park and Shamrock Part during the summer/fall of 2023 to display art.
By-law 2023-48 - Site Plan Agreement Amending By-law
Council passed the by-law designating an area subject to Site Plan Control. On October 25, 2022, the Province introduced Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 which received royal assent on November 28, 2022. The goal of the act is to increase housing supply to build 1.5 million homes in the next 10 years. The objective of the act is to support increasing housing supply, affordability, and improvements to process to facilitate timely approvals. This by-law conforms with the new regulations of the act which has removed exterior design as a consideration in the site plan approval process and no longer requires developments of ten (10) or fewer residential units to receive site plan approval.
By-law 2023-49 - Tax Rate Reductions for 2023
Council passed the by-law setting tax rate reductions for prescribed property subclasses for municipal purposes for the year 2023.
Section 313 of the Municipal Act requires Council to pass a by-law each year to establish tax rate reductions for prescribed property subclasses. On December 17, 2019, Council adopted a resolution to:
- Phase out sub-class reductions for vacant and excess land in the commercial class by reducing the reductions in 2020 and 2021, and
- To phase out sub-class reductions for vacant and excess land in the industrial class in 2020 and 2021, and
- To eliminate reductions in for vacant and excess land in both commercial and industrial classes in 2022 and beyond.
On July 7, 2022, the City received notification of provincial approval of these changes. These reductions are applicable to the municipal portion of the property tax bill only. The province eliminated any reduction on the education portion of property taxes for the commercial and industrial subclasses in 2020.
By-law 2023-50 - Impose Late Payment Charges for the Non-Payment of Taxes
Council passed the by-law imposing late payment charges for the non-payment of taxes. This by-law will change the interest rate charged on overdue taxes from 1% per month to 1.25% per month effective September 1, 2023.
By-law 2023-51 - Tax Levy for 2023
Council passed the by-law establishing the 2023 tax rates for all classes of property. This by-law establishes tax rates based on the tax levy that was adopted for the 2023 budget. It also sets tax bill due dates and identifies penalty and interest rates for arrears.
Council in Caucus Meeting
Physician Recruitment
Following a Council in Caucus meeting, it was reported out in a public forum that Council directed staff to allocate $5,000 from the Physician Recruitment Reserve Fund to support a new physician moving to the Pembroke area.