Council Briefs, July 11, 2023
Combined Committee
Request - The Grind - Garden Project
Committee denied a request from The Grind to initiate a garden project. Staff was directed to inform The Grind of the decision and to offer an option of taking a raised garden planter box at the Community Garden.
Parking Area for The Grind
Committee approved five public parking spaces in front of The Grind, which includes one accessible space. The remaining five parking spaces will be reserved for The Grind.
2024 Budget Timeline
Committee approved the 2024 budget schedule to include a separate public meeting scheduled the second council meeting in January with staff discussing possible dates and times and bring a report back to committee. Committee wants to be transparent and make the public meetings as accessible as possible for residents to be informed. Staff will also look into posting the meeting on the website.
Unaudited 2022 Financial Results
Committee approved the transfer of the 2022 accumulated surplus in the general fund as follows: $250,000 transferred to the aquatic centre reserve, $250,000 to a new emergency and disaster recovery reserve, $50,000 transferred to the Parks and Recreation reserve, $150,000 transferred to the transit reserve, and the balance of the surplus funds to be transferred to the general capital reserve.
Canada Day Fireworks Postponement Day
Committee approved the rescheduling of the Canada Day fireworks to Saturday, August 5 at Riverside Park. The fireworks originally scheduled for July 1, were cancelled due to the declaration of a restricted fire zone by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. The restricted fire zone was declared due to extreme fire hazard conditions in the Pembroke area. Although the declaration by MNRF did not include the cancellation of fireworks, it was decided prudent to postpone the display given the hazardous conditions, ongoing forest fire situation, and poor air quality at that time.
Victoria Hall 50+ Active Living Centre Roof Tender
Committee approved the award of the roof replacement for Victoria Hall’s the 50+ Active Living Centre to Irvcon Limited. The roof has experienced severe leakage.
Electronic Surveillance Monitoring System Use Policy
Committee approved the draft Electronic Surveillance Monitoring System Use Policy. The first phase would include cameras at the Waterfront Park along Fred Blackstein Boulevard, and at the entrance and exit of the park via Alexander Street and Albert Street in hopes of deterring vandalism.
Street Closure Request Policy
Committee approved the creation of a formal policy regarding street closure requests. The City routinely receives requests to close streets for short periods of time for fundraising events, festivals, parades, etc. This policy would outline what is deemed an appropriate reason to close a street temporarily and improve the efficiency of the process.
Touch Down Area on the Algonquin Trail
Committee approved Forced Road to be a touch down area location for amenities and to reallocate some amenities to accommodate bicycle stations on Pembroke Street while working within the available budget.
Bennett Street and Boundary Road Watermain and Taylor Bridge Watermain Phase 2 Contract Award
Combined Committee approved award for the Bennett Street and Boundary Road Watermain Replacement and the Taylor Bridge Watermain Replacement Phase 2 Contract No. 22-1733- 2 to RGT Clouthier Construction as presented.
Water Purification Plant (WPP) Filters and Launderers and Under Tile Drains Design Award
Combined Committee approved award of the design of the WPP filters and launderers to Associated Engineering (AE) Limited.
Operations Committee - Bennett Street and Boundary Road Watermain and Taylor Bridge Watermain Phase 2 Contract Award.
Council approved the award for the Bennett Street and Boundary Road Watermain Replacement and the Taylor Bridge Watermain Replacement Phase 2 Contract No. 22-1733-2 to RGT Clouthier Construction.
By-law 2023-52 Tax Assistance By-law
Council passed By-law 2023-52 that will provide tax assistance to certain elderly and disabled residents who are owners of real property in the City of Pembroke.
Resolution 2023-013 Reserves Transfer
Council passed Resolution 2023-13 to allow the presented transfers to or from the reserve funds for the 2022 fiscal year.