Corporation of The City of Pembroke
Request for Proposal
On-Demand, Turn-Key Transit Services
Request for Proposal P-24-08
The City of Pembroke is inviting written Proposals from transportation operators to deliver demand-responsive transit services throughout the City of Pembroke. Proposals for RFP No. P-24-08 – On-Demand, Turn-Key Transit Services will be received no later than: 2:00:59 PM, LOCAL TIME, Thursday, November 28, 2024.
Proposal documents are available October 31, 2024, and may be obtained, through email request to Jordan Papazoglou, Transit Innovator, Left Turn Right Turn at Email: Language of proposal submissions is English. Proposals will be opened immediately following closing time. There will not be a public opening.
Proponents shall submit an emailed PDF copy of their proposal, with signature, to purchasing and subject of the email shall read: RFP Submission Re: P-24-08 On-Demand, Turk-Key Transit Services. No hard copy proposals will be accepted.
All questions relating to this proposal request will be received in writing up to and no later than 12:00 pm local time on Thursday, November 14, 2024. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. The lowest or any proposals may not necessarily be accepted.
Jordan Papazoglou, Transit Innovator, Left Turn Right Turn